History repeating itself
It seems that no matter what i do, i end up loosing my friends, if it's for a girl or for something i did, or if they die, it doesn't matter at all... History just keeps on repeating itself again and again and again... Yeah well, maybe this is the way it should be, we will walk on the same road, or we may meet again and we will pretend that we are total strangers... Fine by me... But there are so few for whom i open myself in the real way and those people it seems i keep loosing... Fine, i won't open myself to anybody anymore again... Not in the way i did... I still don't know what i did... That's for one side that doesn't want to talk to me and for the other i don't know what i should have done... It might be something i said, or something i did, but i didn't meant it to sound like that or end up the way it did... And there i thought to myself that i found someone who i can finally trust but?... I was wrong it seems... Well, whatever i did, i'm sorry... I didn't want it to end this way. But it doesn't matter anymore, cuz in the end, nothing else matters....
Trip (fictiune)
E tarziu, trecut de 11 noaptea. Astept autobuzu spre casa. Nu mai am muzica pentru ca nu mai am casti de ceva timp, dar in capul meu rasuna fel de fel de versuri de la fel de fel de melodii. Se vede un autobuz venind din departare. Ajunge mai aproape si vad ca nu e bun, mai am de asteptat. Se deschid usile si in momentul urmator coboara un tip pe la ultima usa. Deodata tot timpul parca incetineste si deodata se aude o voce patrunzatoare. "Nu la asta ai visat?" Ma uit speriat in jur si incerc sa imi dau seama ce se intampla, apoi iar vocea: "nu asta ti-ai dorit?". Totul in jur se misca parca cu incetinitorul, numai eu paream sa ma misc normal. Deodata totul se intuneca. Clipesc iar cum deschid ochii ma trezesc pe un camp inverzit cu o iarba inalta pana la soldul meu. Simt pe cineva in spatele meu si cand ma uit in jos observ ca sunt imbracat total diferit. Aveam pe mine o pelerina neagra cu gluga pusa pe cap. "Unde sunt?" murmur eu usor. Apoi aud iar acea voce numai ca de data asta parca zicea totul in soapta: "Asta ti-ai dorit sa ai, sau cel putin asta iti doreai, asta visai, asta imi spuneai tu ca vezi in viitorul nostru. Nu iti mai doresti asta?". "Dar eu..." si in secunda urmatoare totul revine la normal, usile autobuzului se inchid si pleaca din statie. Raman singur uitandu-ma in jur. "Asta imi doream?" imi zic in minte uitandu-ma spre stele. Peste cateva minute imi vine autobuzul, ma urc in el si pornesc spre casa.
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